在过去的四个月里, 1,016 metal halide and T12 light fixtures were replaced with brighter, 以及更节能的LED灯. 转换成本超过75万美元. But the new lights are projected to yield an annual 能源 savings of more than 4.600万千瓦时,每年价值232,385美元.

周三, Waupaca铸造 cut its costs in half for the project when it was presented a check from Etowah Utilities for $399,830 as part of the industrial portion of the Energy Right program funded by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Combined with other accelerated tax depreciation on the new lights, Waupaca should quickly repay its lighting investment and the new LED lights shouldn't have to be replaced as often as the bulbs they replaced.

"This is a win for our employees who get a better work environment; a win for the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 3,000 ton a year and a win for Waupaca by saving on our electric bill,萨姆·格林说, 埃托华铸造厂总经理.

迈克尔Hoecker, 威尼斯注册送38元能源经理, the upgrade was made to save 能源 and improve worker safety.

"The biggest improvement comes from higher quality lighting and more uniform light levels on the plant floor,霍克说. "Increased light levels and lower shadows reduce worker eye strain and improve the quality inspection process."

特洛伊摩西, 轮班成型工头, said the new lighting "easily allows us to spot problem areas that may have been overlooked previously."

Waupaca officials said the lighting improvements could be the first of several 能源 upgrades to be made at the 14-year-old foundry, which is the biggest electricity user in Etowah.

The new lights are cutting Waupaca's 能源 bills about 3 percent this year. But other savings could be achieved through new technologies and investments in the company's electric furnaces used to heat, 平均, 每小时熔化60吨以上的金属,800 degrees Fahrenheit before the liquid metal is poured into sand patterns to make both gray and ductile iron parts for a variety of cars and trucks.

Waupaca makes about 250 different types of brake castings, 差异, and other engine and body parts ultimately used in models of most of the major auto manufacturers. The Etowah plant is the newest and smallest among the six plants operated by Waupaca, a division of the Hitachi Metals Group company.

When the automotive slump slashed automotive sales during the Great Recession, the Etowah plant was completely idled for more than a year. Greene said the plant has steadily added business and employees since it restarted in 2011 "and we're very busy right now trying to keep up with demand."

In the midst of the rebound in business last year, 沃帕卡聘请了当代能源解决方案公司, 一个联系起来, 生病了.-based consulting firm, to improve the foundry's lighting.

托尼Vlastelica, the founder and principal for the consulting firm, quickly assembled a plan last December when the company learned that money would be available again through TVA's Energy Right incentives. TVA拨款21美元.7 million this year to encourage industrial and commercial projects that help businesses save 能源 and keep jobs in the valley.

"I think this shows that the LED technology has come a long way and it's improved rapidly to the point that it's starting to make a lot more financial sense for businesses,弗拉斯特利卡说. "Lights are being built today to perform much better in difficult environments like what you have in a foundry."

弗农骑士, TVA的能源效率经理, said TVA provides funds through its distributors to industry to encourage 能源 efficiency programs that help such businesses keep operating and maintaining jobs and business for the utility.

"We help support local power companies that are trying to help businesses be efficient and grow to be successful and employ more people,奈特说. "There are also environmental benefits from being more 能源 efficient and it helps TVA avoid having to build or buy new and more expensive power."

The TVA incentives have ranged from as little as $1,今年更是高达300万美元, 奈特说. TVA has yet to set its Energy Right budget for next fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.

除了照明升级, Waupaca said the company has reduced the amount of spent foundry sand used to make and remake molds by 30 percent through more and better recycling in the metal-casting process. Water consumption also is down by 80 percent from the peak levels at Waupaca facilities, 据公司介绍.

"Being environmentally responsible is not only the right thing to do, it's the best thing to do for our employees and our customers,威尼斯注册送38元首席执行官加里·吉甘特说.