

文化 - 2022年2月4日

Waupaca铸造’s Brian Swan Named “Hometown Hero” by State of Wisconsin Assembly

金正日Viduski | Waupaca铸造

(从左到右)布莱恩·斯旺, 众议员Katrina Shankland, Victor Voss in the Assembly Parlor following the Hometown Heros ceremony while holding their awards.

Wisconsin State 众议员Katrina Shankland (D-Stevens点) says this about Waupaca铸造 employee Brian Swan. “His continued advocacy in the legislature to initiate and pass a bill into law to protect first responders and roadside workers truly demonstrates 每个人声音的力量.”

Brian is a second generation foundryman and has been with the iron casting supplier for 35 years. He is a First Responder and the only remaining member of the initial Emergency Response (Hazmat) Team founded at Waupaca铸造 in 1988. Brian is also a volunteer firefighter, serving his community for over 37 years. He’s the Assistant Fire Chief with the Amherst Fire Department, and he’s done everything – from rushing into burning buildings to extracting crash victims from crumpled vehicles.

If you ask him what he’d prefer; the burning building or the crash site, 他可能会让你大吃一惊, 燃烧的大楼.” He explains, “We have gear and equipment to protect us against fire. We don’t have that kind of protection when we respond to roadway emergencies. We’re at the mercy of speeding traffic and inattentive drivers. 我们现在真的很危险.”

T三年前, after a driver slammed into a fire truck at a highway accident, Assistant Chief Swan felt enough was enough. So he, along with Amherst Fire Chief Victor Voss, spearheaded a coalition to strengthen the laws regarding emergency roadside events. 花了三年时间, with multiple trips to the State Capitol to testify to the importance of the bill, 但他们的努力白费了。2021年威斯康辛法案第115号, a law that created an emergency response zone around accidents that includes additional penalties for traffic violations like reckless driving.

Brian has been named a “Hometown Hero” by the Wisconsin State Assembly for his efforts. The Hometown Heroes program recognizes individuals from around the state who make a difference in our communities. Brian has done so with his dedication and moxie in getting the 2021年,威斯康星州第115号法案通过. He was commended by the Wisconsin State Assembly on January 25th during its scheduled floor session.

代表. 让游戏状态, “I am pleased to have nominated Chief Voss and Assistant Chief Swan for one of the highest honors awarded by the Wisconsin State Assembly. I sincerely thank them for their tireless efforts to get this bill introduced, 通过了, and signed into law over… as well as the many ways they serve our community every day to keep us safe.”

助理消防队长斯旺说, “I’m really proud to have helped bring this important new law forward, and I hope that it will help protect the lives of all of our state’s firefighters, 护理人员, EMT的, 州巡逻队, 执法, 高速公路的工人, 拖车操作员, and other first responders and roadside workers.”

威尼斯注册送38元知道其中的重要性没有这样敬业的急救人员. It supports Assistant Fire Chief Swan and other employees who volunteer in local emergency medical service departments by allowing them to leave work to respond to emergencies as well as be compensated for that time away.

Photo from the 2018 Portage Country Fire Chief's Association award ceremony. Assistant Chief Brian L Swan (left) and Interior Firefighter Bart Sopa (right) both work full-time at Waupaca铸造 while also serving in volunteer capacity for the Amherst Fire District. They are pictured with Fire Chief Victor R. 沃斯(中).

In 2018, the Portage County Fire Chief’s Association (PCFCA) even awarded Waupaca铸造 Platinum recognition for its support of local volunteer fire and EMS departments. 社区, 尤其是小社区, need their volunteer fire and EMS department members to answer the call for help, 随时随地, 包括工作时间. Waupaca铸造 not only understands that but goes beyond mere support by paying while they are on an emergency call. The PCFCA wanted to recognize the Foundry for that.

There are very few companies that let their people leave work to respond to calls, 更不用说付钱给他们了,布莱恩说。. “I know I speak for all the surrounding Volunteer Fire Departments that have members employed at Waupaca铸造 that it makes a huge difference knowing volunteers are able to respond.” He continues, “所有 fire departments are suffering. A lot of the volunteer memberships are down. So when accidents or fires happen we need all hands on deck.”

去威尼斯注册送38元, supporting the volunteer emergency responders is helping protect those we care about the most:  它的员工、家庭和社区. 我们生活在小社区里, and those who get called to fires or accidents are really helping their very own neighbors or families or friends. “It’s such a relief to know help is on the way from wherever that help can come from; and oftentimes that’s straight from Waupaca铸造,布莱恩说。.
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